Capacity building event – „Sustainability and „green“ capacity of youth organizations“

On 25.11, the three-day seminar „Sustainability and „green“ capacity of youth organizations“ was launched at PGT „Pencho Semov“, Gabrovo, Bulgaria. The first day of the workshop was focused on presenting eco-policies at the European, regional and local level and sharing experiences. At the regional level, eco-policies and „green“ initiatives were presented by Mrs. K. Sidorova, regional governor of Gabrovo Region and by Mr. N. Kusov, deputy. reg. Governor of Razgrad District. At the local level, „green“ projects and eco-policies were presented by Mrs. Zh. Bastreva and Mrs. M. Radojcheva from the „Infrastructure and Ecology“ Directorate of the Municipality of Gabrovo and by Mr. Marinov, Deputy. mayor of Tryavna municipality. The municipality of Gabrovo has set itself the ambitious goal of making Gabrovo a climate-neutral city by 2030. The municipality’s pilot projects related to autonomous containers for separate garbage collection and the country’s first deposit system for returning plastic bottles and aluminum cans also attracted interest.

The European Green Pact, its related goals and priority areas were presented by Mrs. S. Savova, expert in Europe Directno Stara Zagora. In addition to European policies in the field of ecology, a representative from Europe Direct Gabrovo shared the eco-initiatives they support, as well as opportunities to participate in future projects.
The second part of the seminar was devoted to sharing eco-practices, ideas and experience in working with students and youth. Good practices were presented by PGT „Pencho Semov“, OU „Neofit Rilski“, National Aprilivska High School, Chitalishte „Hristo Botev“, Garvan village, Society 528, Street Hearts, Glushka village, AVS Language Center, NSORB Gergini village.

Among the participants were representatives from Gabrovo Labor Bureau Directorate, Dryanovo Historical Museum, Dryanovo Municipality, REMO Etara.
At the end of the first day of the workshop, main recommendations were formulated addressed to NGOs in the youth sector, stakeholders and local authorities in rural and suburban areas on how to support youth work to implement eco-practices.

Paper recycling demonstrations were presented during the second day of the workshop. All participants had the opportunity to recycle waste paper and make new paper to be used again – for making cards, invitations, letters, packaging, letter envelopes, etc. Another demonstration drew the attention of the attendees to ornaments made from recycled textiles and the casting of scented eco-candles.

The last day of the seminar took the participants to Tryavna and REMO „Etara“ in Gabrovo, where cultural and eco sights were visited.

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