Workshop 3 – Establishment of collaborative environment of stakeholders in environmental area

In the period 24 – 26 June 2022 in PGTHT „Nikola Dimov“ Pirdop was held a seminar on „Establishment of collaborative environment of stakeholders in environmental area“.
The event was attended by over 45 representatives of various stakeholders from the region of Srednogorie:

  • from the local administration from the municipalities of Pirdop, Zlatitsa, Koprivshtitsa, Chelopech, Mirkovo;
  • from the local business – Dundee Precious Metals Chelopech EAD,
  • eco organizations – State Forestry Pirdop;
  • teachers and young people from the Vocational School of Tourism „Nikola Dimov“, Secondary School „Sava Savov“, Pirdop, Primary School „St. St. Cyril and Methodius ”, Chelopech village;
  • representatives of local organizations – „Rotary Club“ Pirdop, Educational Center „Miletia“, Vitas Agency, Foundation „Situational Center Open Doors“; Гората.бг,
  • representatives of the local media – „Kambana“ newspaper, „Regional Press“ newspaper, Srednogorie media.
  • local citizens.
    During the seminar, good practices and experience were shared for cooperation and creation of sustainable partnerships to support youth activities and organizations for the implementation of eco-practices in their daily work and in organizing youth activities, initiatives and projects.
    The important role of all stakeholders in the development of the local youth community and support for various youth initiatives, sports and the promotion of eco-behavior was noted.
    The seminar had an open format, which allowed various forms of participation and presentation – presentation, demonstrations and sharing of experiences, informal conversation, video and more.
    Thanks to the kind assistance of the Municipality of Zlatitsa, a visit was organized to a separation plant for household waste and an installation for composting of organic waste.
    With the support of the State Forestry Pirdop was visited a nursery for shrubs and trees in the town of Pirdop, which is used for afforestation in Srednogorie.
    The seminar gave a new direction to the development of local cooperation between stakeholders in organizing youth initiatives.

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